Monday, August 27, 2012

After Monday's Class

Hi Linkers!

How are you?  Did you notice how the w connects to the a in How and Are? So it sounds like Ho Ware?

Try saying this dialogue aloud - to a roommate, for example:

SQUID: I_had_an_apple_and_a_cup_of_orange juice. 
WILMA: I_know.
SQUID: My_cup_is_empty.
WILMA: Henry_drank_it.
SQUID: Henry_stole_it.
WILMA: That's_a_matter_of_opinion.

Fun, right? 

Also, say these phrases: 

wake up and way cup
mice eat and my seat

Do the phrases sound identical or different? I'll ask you in class on Wednesday. 

Check out the homework page for your assignments, but post your listening log here.

Ms. Gross


  1. This is listening log#5 by Atsushi Kawai.

    I listened to NBC night news for 20minutes in internet.

    This video broadcast 4main news. This program spared most of time for republic convention. This convention is going to hold in Tampa then, there are on their guard against the big tropical cyclone. Some of residents started to evacuate because of the experience of hurricane Katrina. Large damage is expected by certified weather forecasters, so the convention was shortened. In addition, other news is about the attack in Afghanistan, the prediction of earthquake, the death of Mr.Armstrong.

    I listened to this video twice. And I listened this video to be sensitive to key words.
    I can understand 70% of this video.

  2. Listening Log #5 Wakana Noguchi

    I watched interview video on CNN. The title was “Ballet dancer survives painful past”.
    I watched this video about 25minutes.

    Elaine De Prince is 17years old ballet dancer who was born in Africa. When she was 4 years old, she was adopted by an American couple. She experienced a lot of hardships. It is because people think black people cannot be ballet dancer. However, she won a scholarship of ballet theater's summer intensive program. After that, she won another scholarship and her ability was recognized. Now, she inspires all age people all over the world.

    I watched this movie about three times. Also, I guess the word from the context. I think I could understand 70percent of the video. However there were many unknown words.

  3. Listening log of Sara Delfrate

    I watched "This Is the Way the World Ends", an episode of the television series "Dexter" for about 50 minutes.

    Travis, a bad character, was trying to reach the Apocalypse, killing specific people, as they were described in the Bible.
    He wanted to kill Dexter's son, who represented lamb,the last sacrifice before the Apocalypse's start. Dexter found it and quelled him with a trick. After that, Dexter brought him in a special room and killed him. Then, Dexter's stepsister arrived, and discovered him.

    I watched this episode once and I think I understand 80% because they don't speak very fast and there aren't many particular slangs.Also, I tried to listen for the main idea of the plot.

  4. Listening log #5 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched Voice of America, which title is "When Animals Make People Sick" for 25 minutes.

    2 million people a year get diseases which were spread by animals. People commonly get sick from foods, but sometimes they get from water, air, and animals. Delia Grace, an expert of disease concerns that high production farm often raise animals close together, so the disease can be spread quickly. However, if the farmer received the training to care about their animals, people can be safe.

    I listened this report more than three times, and also I guessed from the context. I think I understand 75% because the speaker talked slowly and I could catch many words easily. However, there were many unknown words so I couldn't understand the contents soon.

  5. Listening log of Nodoka Yamagoshi

    I watched John Hunter: Teaching With the World Peace Game at TED.

    John Hunter is a teacher. He made a little world with acrylic boards. The world has nations, armed forces, territorial waters and space as the real world does. Children in his class try to solve social, economical and environmental problems which happen in the world by themselves as prime minister, chief cabinet secretary or defense agency director of each country. The problems can involve ethnic battles, nuclear weapons, famine and so on, The children try to solve them sometimes negotiating with each other. Also they admirably solve them with their surprising abilities of analysis. Through this class, the children can learn how to think about questions without answers by themselves.

    This video is 2o minutes long. I watched it twice taking notes. The challenges with understanding this video is comprehending vocabulary and abstract ideas. I could understand only 60% in first listening.

  6. Listening Log 5, Minori Arahori

    I watched "Easing Pain in the Sick and Dying " on Voice of America. It took more than 30 minutes to watch several times.

    In this video, two reporters explain that some recent movements related to hospice are in the U.S. now. Many patients suffered from cancer feel serious pain. To solve this problems, for example, Dr. Kathleen Foley established a center to research methods reducing pain. In addition, the concept of "hospice" is caring patients who have limited time. Doctors think that strong medicine, such as narcotics is the best way to reduce pain; however, it sometimes makes drug addicts.

    The speakers talk slowly,so it's easy to understand(70%). I challenged to understand it completely, but it was difficult to concentrate it.

  7. Listening log Yuriko Kubota

    I watched TED talks, which title is "Photos that bear witness to modern slavery" for 20 minutes.

    She told us the present situation of cruel slavery using some pictures that she took by herself. Today, there are more than 27 million people enslaved in the world. Even some of them are slaves from their birth. They can’t escape from the situation. She believed that if we can see one another as human beings, the atrocities like slavery would totally vanish.

    I could understand almost 80%, because I'm interested in this kind of topic. Some of my knowledge helped me to understand it.

  8. Excercise pg32 Chapter2 of RealTalk by Hanako Honcho

    1.It irritates me when train delay in the morning on my way to university.

    2.The noisy sounds of roommate's alarm drive me crazy every morning in dormitory.

    3.I can't stand waiting in long line.

    4.I feel annoyed when my sister sleep in my bed.

  9. pg32 Yuriko Kubota

    A drunken man annoys me.
    It drives me crazy when the food tastes awful.
    I can’t stand staying inside.
    The noise of mosquito is annoying.
    I feel annoyed when it is rain.

  10. Listening log of Joanne Hsieh

    I watched "Ballet dancer survives painful past" on CNN video for 25 minutes.

    The story is about a 17-year-old girl whose name is Michaela DePrince, abandoned by her original family, tried to help children in Africa. She was adopted by American family, and she is successful now. She is the champion of a national ballet competition. She has a career and often dances with professional dancers. Even though she has left Africa since four, she still wants to help those children, and gives them a chance to learn. However, she refused to reconnect with her original family because they hadn't tried it before. If they do now, ironically, it's because of her fame.

    I watched it two times. It is slower than others I have listened, so I can understand 75% in the first time. The second time I can focus on the details of her story.

  11. Listening log#5 of Hanako Honcho

    Today, I watched "Mark Bittman: What's wrong with what we eat" by TEDtalksDirector on YouTube. It was 20min 9sec.

    This video told us about foods in the situation of global warming. Through this video, I could see any facts that I didn't know before. Usually, we don't think about food related to enviromental problem. Instead, we likely to think environmental problem related to climate changing or rising sea levels.
    I'm really glad to know facts. For example, overconsumption of animals or junk food is the problem. And, population on entire earth have been increasing more and more. It also could be a problem. It related to rising temperature or something like that directly. However, anyway, things that we generally don't think problem sometimes can cause any problem.

    After watching, I thought that we have to consider about many things when we eat something whether it's animal or plant.
    I wish environment of earth could be better little by little.

    This time, I felt really difficult to understand meanings of the word because of lack of my vocaburaly.
    I'll try to study vocaburaly more.
    I could understand 75% of the video.

  12. Listening log of Bo-Han, Huang

    I watched TED Talk: "Dan Pink: The surprising science of motivation" for about 20 minutes.

    The speaker said there was a experiment which was called the candle problem long time ago. The result of this experiment showed that rewards will limit human's creativity or efficiency. However, our managers in the company still use this way to their subordinates. Then the speaker gave an example of GOOGLE. This company uses "20% time" which can do everything you want, and the results are incredible because about half of creative products are produced in this 20% time. As a result, the speaker said "nowadays, science misfits business."

    I took note and search vocabularies when I watched this video. The speaker spoke very clearly, so I can understand about 90%.

    speech note:

  13. Litening log No.4 by Kohei Nojiri
    I watched “Jane McGonigal: Gaming can make a better world”by TED talk. This movie takes 20 minutes.
    And summary of this movie is below.

    Jane McGonigal said that Games give players the means to save worlds
    There are four factor that many games have; Social Fabric, Blissful Productivity, Epic Meaning and Urgent Optimism.
    First by Social fabric we like people better after we play a game with them, and playing a game together actually builds up bonds and trust and cooperation.
    Second blissful productivity made us happier. And we are optimized as human beings
    Third urgent optimism is the desire to act immediately to tackle an obstacle.
    Forth epic meaning is to love to be attached to inspire missions.
    So she hope we can come together to play games to survive on this planet for another country! So she concluded that we can make any future we can imagine and we can play any games we want.

    I watched this movie three times.and I can understand this about 75%.

  14. Listening log of Ting Chiang Hsu

    I watched TED Talk: "Drew Curtis: How I beat a patent troll" for about 20 minutes.

    Drew Curtis company was sued by patent troll which is a company make money by using patent.Instead of settled with patent troll, he decide to fight it back.Although it takes a lot of money and time ,he still fight it back not like other big company.He also didn't sign the confidential agreement that is why he can share his experience.He also give advice to everyone how to negotiate with patent troll

    I watched this video two times,and I can understand it about 75%.

  15. Listening log#5 of Melody

    I watched TED Talk: “Your phone company is watching” which is spoken by Malte Spitz, and it was totally about 20mins.

    The speaker says most of all information about our life can be known with your own mobile phone, and there dates are normally stolen by the phone companies. The dates are including the person’s habits, preferences and indeed of his or her life, however we don’t know about that, also we don’t care about that. He showed about how much dates the telecom company has from our mobile phone and told us how danger it is. It was interesting and good to listen, but I thought it’s impossible to flee from this issue because we all need to use it every day and it’s necessary for our life even it is dangerous to have.

    I watched this video twice with English subtitles. The speaker speaks very slowly and carefully, so I could understand about 80% of this video.

  16. Listening log of Shuhei Takahashi

    I watched TED talk "Charles Leadbeater: The era of open innovation"

    Charles Leadbeater argues that many innovations are emerged from amateurs' enthusiasm. We usually think they are made by professionals, but actually passionate amateurs make good use of new technology and invent a lot of significant inventions without purpose.

    I watched twice and guessed from context.
    I could understand about 60%, but the speaker repeats the main idea, so it is easy to grasp.

  17. Listening log,LIU HAN YUAN

    I watched TED TALK and the title of the video is "Ivan Krastev: Can democracy exist without trust?".

    Ivan Krastev talked about the relationship between the trust and the democracy.In the video ,there are lots of example that described the problem which happened for the democracy lack of trust. lots of social problem or international problem are related
    to the trust of citizens,organization of government,and the relationship between the country. And, trust is an important part in the politic. We must have to think about the problem which is related to the trust and the democracy.Because,some of us live in the same society and we also live in the same world.

    I watched this video two times about 24 minutes,and I could understand it about 70% in the first time.I can't hear clearly about few words and few parts in the first time.
