Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23rd

Hi everyone!

I hope you have wonderful plans for the weekend! Remember not to get ripped off, messed up or end up paying for something through the nose!

And see how much fun it is to use our new vocabulary?

We are having another quiz on Monday. To prepare, look over your corrections on the last quiz, and also review the vocabulary on page 29 and 33, plus the listening exercise - transcript on page 224 - about the pet peeves of the four speakers.

Remember to post your listening log here.

Your homework is on the homework page.

If you give your speech about one of our featured links on Monday, remember to include the elements we discussed yesterday. They can be found on the Speech format page at

See you on Monday!

Ms. Gross


  1. Listening log of Nodoka Yamagoshi

    I watched Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery at TED.

    Lisa Kristine, who is a photographer, has visited many countries and saw slaveries labor with slight payment. There are 27 million people enslaved in the world today. Even though they generate benefits of more than 13 billion dollars each year, entire family can be slaved only $18. For example, in India and Nepal, women,men and even children put bricks on their heads and carry them to trucks hundreds of yards away. The people work for from
    17 hours to 18 hours without breaks for food or breaks for water in a terrible labor environment. She says that we should know that slaveries are
    people like us and that also they have human rights, dignity and respect.

    This video is about 19 minutes. I could understand 90% with once listening because the speaker speaks more slowly.

  2. Listening blog of Sara Delfrate

    I watched one of the experiences of Bear Grills in "Kimberly, Australia" for about 30minutes.

    In this region of Australia, called Kimberly, there is a mixture of huge scrub deserts, where Bear Grills find different kind of poisonous snakes and meet the danger of dehydration.
    Also, he describes how we can find food in this hard landscape, and how we can prevent sunstroke.
    During his strange trip he observes saltwater crocodile, and endures a storm.

    In this video I have tried to find many details in order to catch some particolar words that aren't very common.
    In fact, it's a strange adventures, but I improve my vocabulary.
    I listened this video once and I understand almost 90% because he speaks very clearly.

  3. Listening log #4 of Wei Chieh Hung (Daniel)

    I watched "Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do " at TED. It took about 20 minutes.

    It sounds like you associate what you want to memorize with a vivid story. The example in the beginning of the talk is that if you wanted to remember the name of 5 people, you just met you would associate those people with the parts of the story. For example, when we met a strange person whose name is not easy to remember, then you can compile a story about this person and if you forget the person's name again, you can remember the person's name from this story.

    I watched this movie two times. I think that I can understand about 60%. But it is still difficult for me to understand. I can not follow this moive when Joshua was talking. I will improve me listening skill in a few day.

  4. Listening log 3, Minori Arahori

    I watched "Dead cat turned into flying object" on CNN video, and it took me more than 20 minutes.

    In "Dead cat turned into flying object", an reporter is reporting about an artist who made a cat-copter made of his dead cat. The artist named Bart Jansen had two cats named Orville and Wilbur, and Orville had died recently, so he made a helicopter by using Propeller, the plastic body, glass eyes, and Orville's hide. Most of people asked comments by an reporter about this news felt it so crazy, but Jansen thinks that his dead cat will get an eternal life and he had to do it because the twosome cats' manes were from Wright brothers.

    I watched it many times, and I felt it easier(80%). I challenged to listen to it without watching at first; indeed, this video is not so difficult to understand.

  5. Listening Log #4 Wakana Noguchi

    I watched “How to step up in the surface of disaster” on TED Talks. I watched this video for about 30minutes.

    In this video, sister Caitria and Morgan talks about how to deal with the disaster. In Massachusetts, many people suffered heavy damage from the tornado in June. At that time, citizens wanted help and information, but it was difficult to get them. Therefore, the sister started to organize and try to build recovery machine. However there were some problems such as tool, timing and data. Finally, they said that it is important to know how to deal with disaster before it happens. If we know that, we can recover from the disaster more quickly.

    I listened to this video three times. At first, I understand only 60percent. However, after I listened three times, I could understand 75perrcent. Also, I took notes of keyword.

  6. Listening log#4 Atsushi Kawai
    I watched a vision of crimes in the future by Marc goodman on TED talk.

    This video is about an crime in the future. Marc Goodman said an organization of crime will possesses criminal own mobile network in the future. He thinks modern communication technology will make additional victims because of that locating system. Therefore, an organization of crime can monitor internet and news to specify a target. They can recognize tactical situation, for our openness can be used against us. In addition, they can develop new weapons. It is easy for them to make a threaten virus. So now, we should depend on professionals for our safety.

    I watched this video more than once. I could understand 80% of this video, because, most of words he said are easy to understand.

  7. Listening log#4 of Melody
    I watched an American drama “Continuum” Episode one to ten; it was totally about 40 min.

    Raegen Rogers woke up in the space ship, she even didn’t know about her name and the reason why she has been sleeping at there. She only could talk with the computer which is contained in the space ship and the computer said there isn’t anyone else except her. However, during her days in the space ship, she noticed that there sometimes has noises which is not her’, she felt there is person not only her. Finally she found the guy who was in the different room of there; they started to figure out what’s going on in the ship and what was happened on them.

    I listened one time for each, but totally I could understand 80% of the videos. Most of all their conversations were questions, so it was quite clear for me.

  8. listening log #4 of Bo-Han, Huang
    I watched TED Talk "Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!" for about 25 minutes.

    Ken thinks that recent education need to be revolved instead of be evolved. He gives an example of a fireman. When this fireman was young, he was always told to be a professional person and enter to the collage, but his dream was to be a fireman. His teacher always thought he was kidding until this man became a fireman and saved the teacher's and his wife's life. The speaker thinks we have so many kind of talents that we shouldn't use the same education to us or to our children.

    When I can't understand what he said, I will suddenly go back and listen to it again, so I understand this video about 70%.

    speech note:

  9. Listening log#4 Hanako Honcho

    This time, I watched a video which introduces Machu Picchu. It’s about 20 minutes in total. “Machu Picchu” called the lost city of Inca, and located on Peru. It’s one of the most attractive world heritage sites in the world. Machu Picchu built by using ancient technology, but it was unknown for many years until 1911. Then, Machu Picchu was discovered by an American historian. Until now, it attracts many visitors from all over the world.

    100 years have passed since the time Machu Picchu discovered. There are so many exhibition in 2012. We can see the history of them.

    I could understand 75% of the video. Even though some of the words are new for me, I could imagine or guess meanings. That’s why, I enjoyed listening today.

  10. Listening log #4 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched TED Talks "Lisa Donnelly: Drawing on humor for change" for 25 minutes.

    The images of women are kind, pretty, gentle, etc. However, it is not clear what we are supposed to be. The speaker found there are cultural rules to behave rightly, and they keep changing. As a cartoonist, she says humor is also changing because it relies on society of each country. She tries to collaborate international with cartoonist and make people stupid as well as laugh. She says we can have the great potential to be change agents by one laugh at a time.

    At first, I could understand only 50% of this video, but after I watched three times, it changed to 80%. Also, I listened for finding key words. The most difficult thing was catching some phrases because the speaker used many difficult words.

  11. Listening log by Satoru Hano

    I watched the movie “Lovely Bones” Do you know it?

    A 14 year-old girl, Susie Salmon was killed by her creepy neighbor Harvey. Police investigate about the incident hard, but they couldn’t find murderer and Susie’s body. After killing, Harvey put her body into an old and dirty cash box. And he threw it away in a bottomless swamp or a place like that where people throw large-sized refuse away into. Susie will never be found forever. Her family, boyfriend, friends and people around her can’t feel her existence any more, but Susie always watch them from the world of her afterlife until she reaches heaven. This is so sad, but this is so beautiful movie. After I watch, I got a feeling that I had never felt before. I couldn’t understand everything about this movie, because I watched it without subtitles, but I love it.

  12. Listening log,LIU HAN YUAN

    I watched TED TALK and the title of the video is "Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix".

    The video talks about "remix". It's related to the creativity, transform, and multi-touch. Steve Jobs had said that creativity is related to barrow, steal, and transform. If you can remix the two old elements, you can create a new thing. So,embrace the remix.

    I listened this video two times about 20 minutes.I almost understood it about 75% at the first time.

  13. Listening log Kouhei Nojiri

    I watched TEd Talk "Tracy Chevalier: Finding the story inside the painting"

    The summary of this movie is below.
    Tracy Chevalier explained the stories behind paintings.
    For example she explained “Girl With a Pearl Earring” (1665) by Vermeel.
    She seems his 12 years old daughter but this girl is not her children.
    That’s why if a woman’s mouth was open, it was indicating sexual availability.
    So this girl is a servant who wears very plain clothes except for her pearl earring.
    Pearl earring belongs to his wife.
    Next she explain “Boy Building a House of Cards” by Chardin
    Who is looking at him? A servent worn him “look at me”, but he never does.

    I listened this movie twice. and I understood 70% of this movie.

  14. Listening log Ting Chiang Hsu

    I watched TED TALK and the title of the video is "KMax Little: A test for Parkinson’s with a phone call".

    The video is talking about how to use voice to test Parkinson's. Parkinson's is a disease that will destroy your ability of moving and talking. In the past, people is hard to test Parkinson's because we can't test it by blood . It cost a lot of money and time to test it.In the new way, we can use the voice different to test Parkinson's or check the patient on the net. It reach 99 percents of assurancy.

    I listened this video three time about 20 minutes. I understood it about 80%

  15. Listening log of Shuhei Takahashi (#3)

    I watched TED talk "Charlie Todd: The shared experience of absurdity" twice for about 30 minutes.

    Charlie Todd is the founder of Improv Everywhere, which is a performance group based in New York City and performs in public places. This group is often critisized for having too much spare time. However, he says they are ordinary people, and they spend their time to play, like to go watch a football game. he continues that they don't need a reason as kids plays without given a reason.

    I watched this twice and used facial cues for understanding.
    I could understand about 70%. This talk contains a lot of fun movies by Improv Everywhere, so it is interesting to watch this talk.

  16. Listening log, Joanne Hsieh

    I watched "Woman living in fear of 'honor' death" on CNN video for 20 minutes.

    The story is about a woman whose name is "Lara"- actually it's not her real name- afraid of being killed by her parents. She thought her husband became violent after they moved to England. However, when she asked for divorce, her husband called her parents, and they threatened Lara to kill her because they thought it was humiliating. Her sons didn't want to contact with her. It was all resulted from religion. Now Lara is living in fear of death. She is tired of religion, culture, and even being a woman.

    I watched it twice. I can only understand 60% at first because of speaker's accent, but later I can under stand 80% of it.

  17. Listening log of Yuriko Kubota

    I watched TED talks, Scilla Elworthy: Fighting with non-violence, twice for about 30 minutes.

    The story is about how do we do with extreme violence without using forth and return. She thinks that using forth doesn't work and non-violence works. The most important skill we need is a commitment to active-nonviolence.

    I watched it twice, but I could understand ony 50% because I couldn't catch what she said.

  18. Listening log of Seungmin.

    I watched TED talks " Steve Jobs : How to live before you die".

    This video was a Steve Jobs speech at Stanford University Commencement. It was about three stories from his life.
    First was about connecting dots. Second one was about love and loss. Last one was about death. All of these were his experiences.
    He gave me some advises :" You've got to fine what you love",
    "Don't waste time living someone else's life", " Stay hungry,
    Stay foolish".

    I watched it twice for 30minutes. I could understand about 70%.
    but I was impressed on his speech. I missed him.
