Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday August 20th - after class

Another great class! Great discussions. I learned a lot about your cultures.

Thank you, Sara for your speech. Remember to send us the web address who we can find out who won in the end. And three more lucky people will give their speeches on Wednesday.

Check out the homework page for your homework.

For this page, you will post two messages:

1) your listening log

2) A summary of your notes on the questions on page 18.

See you Wednesday!


    This is the website of my speech about Bolt vs gravity force!

  2. Listening log of Bo-Han

    I watched TED Talk video named "Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work" for 25 minutes.

    In this speech, the speaker first gave an interesting example of her sister, and then talked about a strange phenomenon of statistics. Most of us always think about the average. If we are lower than the average, we will be forced to improve to the average. Then the speaker said we should change the formula between happiness and success. We think only being a successful person can let us happy, but this idea leads us to receive more pressure because we won’t satisfy after we succeed once. In conclusion, we should find the ways which can make us happier because we will work harder when we have positive mind.

    At the first time, I can just understand only 50% of the content because the speaker spoke too fast. After I watched the second time, I can understand about 60-70% of the content.

    I watched twice and remember key words to help me understand the speech.

  3. Bo-Han,Huang's Summary of Real Talk Pg. 18

    1.People in Taiwan, Japan or Korea will address people in authority by just titles. If we are in a formal situation, we will call them by title and last name.

    2.There is no difference in Taiwan and Korea. However, in the past, husband's last name should add to wife’s name which means a wife will have two last names. In Japan, wife’s last name may be changed to husband’s last name, but it’s optional.

    3.Recently, this phenomenon seldom occurs in Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Nevertheless, in the past, it is not permissible to get married if the spouses have the same family name because they might be relatives.

    4.In Taiwan, Japan and Korea, people will change the way they speak when they begin to loosen up with other people. For example, when we meet a strange, we will talk to him/her politely and formally. After we get familiar with this strange, we will begin to call him/her by nickname and use casual conversation.

  4. Listening Log #3 Wakana Noguchi

    I watched CNN video titled "Maria Sharapova, on and off the court"
    I watched this video for about 20 minutes.

    In this video, a woman was interviewing to an Russian tennis player, Sharapova. She produced candy named "Sugerpova". She invested a lot of energy to make the candy.She said she wanted to keep mind another thing when she is not in the tennis court.
    Also, she said that even if she has lived in America for a long time, she will continue to play tennis as a representation of Russia.

    At first, I could not understand what they are saying. However, after I listen the video 3times or 4 times, I could understand 60 65 percent of the conversation.

  5. Summary of notes Wakana Noguchi

    1,In Japan,Taiwan and Italy, people use address people.For example,we call teacher with thir last name+titles in every countries.

    2,In Japan,thir last name will generally change to her husband's last name when they get marry. On the other hand,there is no difference in Taiwan and Korea.

    3,Japanese people never refuse to marry someone because of his or her name. In Taiwan and Korea, sometimes people refuse to marry.

    4,We found that there is no big difference between Japan and Taiwan. When we know each other well, or become close friend, we loose up one another. Sometimes it is happen between teacher and students.

  6. Listening Log #3 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched TED Talks video titled "Kevin Alloca: Why videos go viral" for about 25 minutes.

    Kevin Alloca who is a trend manager of Youtube explains that video makes any of the creative things we do. He also says videos became cultural moments because of the three things; tastemakers, community participation, and unexpectedness. Tastemakers introduce us the new interesting things and bring the large audience, and we are participating in the creativity by watching the video. Moreover, the unexpected, surprising scenes are funny. These three things are new kinds of media and they will define the entertainment of culture, so that's why videos inspire people.

    I could understand 70% of this video because the topic was easy to understand. However, sometimes I couldn't catch some phrases because of the speed. It was a little bit fast for me.
    I listened more than once and tried to get the key words of this topic.

  7. Summary of Real Talk Pg.18 Yuko Yagishita

    1. In Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Italy, people use title for someone in authority like teacher. Sometimes Japanese people use his/her last name+titles.

    2. In Japan, the wife's last name will change into her husband's last name. On the other hand, people in Taiwan don't change their last name. However, in the past, woman must put her husband's last name into her name.

    3. In Japan, people never refuse to get married because of changing their last names. However, sometimes it happens in Taiwan and Korea.

    4. Both of Japan and Taiwan change their languages depends on the person. We use informal language to someone if we know each other, but if we don't know well, we will use formal language.

  8. I watched NBC night news on internet for 20minutes.

    The first news is about a gaffe by the republican. The republican, Akin said rape doesn’t cause pregnant, then Obama complained that gaffe is insulting inexcusable offensive discriminate. Rape is traumatic type of thing, so that damaged the plan of election by Romney much. Second news is also about deplorable affair by republican. The republican, Kevin Yoder swam the lake naked. This news made an impression of the republic party worse. Other news is about Augusta admitted two women members. At last, they broadcasted the death of two celebrity persons.

    I watched this video more than once, and guessing from context. I could understand 60% of this video, because, comprehension of keywords was difficult. But, I could know a lot of academic words from this video.

  9. Summary of notes by Atsushi Kawai

    1. Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean and Italian use title for someone in authority, and in an address. Korean has titles for elderly relatives. Japanese and Taiwanese use titles behind the lase name. Italian use titles in front of the last name.
    2. Most of Japanese change her wife’s last name for husband’s last name after marriage. But, that isn’t regulated by laws. Taiwanese custom was almost similar to Japanese in the past. Now, they don’t have to do that.
    3. In Taiwan, this kind of trouble is not usually happen. On the other hands, some Japanese refuse to marry someone because of husband’ name. For reason that, in Japan last name indicates family’s social standing position.
    4. Both of Japanese and Taiwanese change their language with individual. Informal language is used for casual conversation. Formal language is used for tight conversation.

  10. Linstening log of Sara Delfrate

    I watched one episode of the fiction " The Big Bang Theory " for about 20 minutes. The title is "The Terminator Decoupling".

    a group of guys are going to San Francisco to partecipate at a conference. They catch the train and discover that there is also Summer Glau, a pretty woman. Howard and Raj discuss about approaching her. Raj can approach only if he is drunk, so he begins to drink, and then he starts to speak with her. But Howard is jealous and says to him that he drink a non alcholic Ray abandons the scene. Howard continues to speak with her but she don't like him. So both Howard and Raj fail in this feat.

    I have watched this video twice and research the main idea of the story. I think I understand 70% because I don't know some sayings.

  11. Summary of notes of Sara Delfrate

    1)Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean and Italian use titles to address people in authority. Korean has titles for an older relative. Japanese and Taiwanese use "last name+titles". Italian use titles in front of the last name.

    2)Many Japanese wife change her last name in husband’s last name after marriage. Taiwanese culture was similar to Japanese in the past,but now, they have different customs.

    3)In Taiwan, there isn't this problem, but some Japanese refuse to marry someone because of husband’ name.This happen because in Japan last name indicates family’s social position.

    4)All these cultures change their language with individual. Informal language is used for conversation whith friend or people that are known. Formal language is used for high-level conversation.

  12. summary of notes of LIU HAN YUAN

    1)Taiwanese always use only title or last name put in front the title,such as professor or Lin professor.And Japanese is the same to the Taiwanese.Korean has titles for elderly relatives.Italian put the last name in front of the title.

    2)In the past,Taiwanese who got married must put her husband's last name in front her name.But,we can decide if you want to change your name or not now.
    Japanese who got married change her last name to her husband's last name.

    3)Taiwanese sometimes can't get married with the same last name,because if you have the same last name means that your relationship may be close and near and you may be relatives.
    Japanese have no problem to get married with each other.

    4)Almost of these culture have different language with different people.We will use formal language to stranger,elderly people or sir and use informal language to friends.

  13. Ting Chiang Hsu

    Korean has special titles for older relative,but add the titles after name normally
    Taiwanese and Japanese also add title after last name when they call teacher and stranger
    Italian use titles in front if the name and when they call teacher just use prof

    Japanese and Taiwanese women sometime change their last name to their husband's last name.However,this is not common any more in Taiwan

    Taiwanese sometime will refuse to marry if they have same last name or similar last name
    Japanese will also refuse to mary because their name shows their society position

    Every language change their way of talking when they talk with their friend or someone familiar.

  14. Listening log of Nodoka Yamagoshi

    I watched Brene Brown: Listening to Shame at TED.

    Brene Brown, who studies about shame, mentions that shame is concerned with many problems, like addiction, depression, suicide, and shame is always interfering with our challenge. That means we can’t try anything because of the fear for shame. To overcome it, we need “vulnerability”, she says. Some think vulnerability is weakness, but that’s not true. Vulnerability is our most exact measurement of courage. She concludes that it’s the first step for new challenge to step into an arena with vulnerability and to be covered with blood, dust and sweat.

    The video is 20 minutes long. The difficulty with listening to it is to understand sense of humor and vocabulary. I watched this video 3 times to comprehend metaphors. I could understand only 50%.

  15. Listening log #3 of Wei Chieh Hung (Daniel)

    I watched "Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? " at TED. It took about 20 minutes.

    In this movie, Sir Ken Robinson argued that we have been educated to become good workers rather than creative thinkers. I agree with this speech! This movie really inspired me, because I was the one who was afraid to make mistake and think making mistake is shameful when I was in elementary school, and I thought that I needed to change myself. Now I have some creativities that I can do something what I want to do.

    I watched this movie one time. I think that I can understand about 50%. I have learned a lot in this movie.

  16. Summary of discussion
    Nodoka Yamagoshi

    1. Especially, we discuss the title of teacher. Japanese use “先生(sen-sei)” after teacher’s last name. Korean use the same title with ours, but pronunciation is a little different. Taiwanese and Italian also use title to address their teacher, like “老師”, “Prof.”.
    2. In Japan, married women change their last name into their husbands’ last name. A long time ago in Taiwan, married women must put their husband’s last name before own last name.
    3. In Japan, people rarely refuse to marry someone because of his or her name. In Taiwan and Korea, people sometimes avoid marrying someone who has the same family name with his or hers because he or she may be close relatives.
    4. Every students I discussed with said they used title for strangers and used nick names for close friends or someone who they loosened up each other.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Summary of notes of Wei Chieh Hung (Daniel)

      1. People always use title to address others in Japan, Korea, Italy and Taiwan. However Taiwanese and Japanese sometimes address people his or her last name and titles.

      2. In Taiwan, there were many women who got married need to add her husband’s family name in the past, but there is not necessary now. However there are many women who get married may change her family name to her husband’s family name in Japan.

      3. Taiwanese might refuse to get married if they had the same family name in the past, but Japanese don’t think so. Some of Korean may be care about that if his wife or her husband has the same family name.

      4. People may change the way when they address the other person in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. For example, when we meet a person who we have not seen this person, we may use formal language. If we meet friends, we may use informal language like nickname.

  18. Minori Arahori, listening log 3

    I watched "Kitty army protects museum from mice" on CNN video.
    It took about 20 minutes to understand completely.

    This news describes that a museum in Russia is taking a new try to protect art works from gnaw of rats and mice. This museum named Hermitage Museum is the largest in the world and it uses the 65 cats army to get rid of the harmful animals. According to Maria Khaltunen, rats and mice will avoid this museum because they feel cats' smell. Therefore, this museum is making efforts to make cat cheerful; for example, 3 people taking care of cats on full-time and small doors to the museum for cats. These cats are not known well, but they paly the important role in this museum.

    I watched this news many times and I could understand it because it was a little short(80%).
    I made an efforts to understand all sentences.

  19. I watched TED Talks video titled "Caitria and Morgan O’Neill: How to step up in the face of disaster" for about 20 minutes.

    This two girls Caitria and Morgan they help region recover from the disaster at the first time.They start with answering people questions.They also combine the resources and volunteer.They also taught resident how to use it.They aim to prepare before the disaster that can decline the damage

    I have watch this video twice I can understand 80 percents of it

  20. Listening log #3 of LIU HAN YUAN

    I watched the TED Talks which title is "Margaret Heffernan: Dare to disagree".

    Lots of people is afraid of conflict.But,It may be benefit for you.Margaret Heffernan claim that the conflict can make people solve the problem and make people be creative.After the conflict,the thing could be better.So,don't be afraid of conflict.Dare to disagree the problem which you don't agree at all.

    I watched this video three times.I think I can understand about 70% of the video.

  21. Listening log of Yuriko Kubota #3

    I watched TED talks, Beverly + Dereck Joubert: Life lessons from big cats. I watched it for about 40 minute twice.

    Beverly and Dereck Joubert stayed in Africa for many years researching about wild animals especially big cats. They showed us about their life with video. They also showed us an interesting video which is a leopard takes care of a baby monkey. After that they take one problem. This is capture of them by people to get its far. They assisted to save the big cats from human threats.

    I listened it twice but I could understand about 50%, but I could catch a rough content.

  22. Listening log#3 of Melody

    I watched the American drama “Kyle xy Season2 Episode1” about 30mins.

    The main character, Kyle who looks 18 was suddenly found by a family, and they took care about them. First when Kyle came to their house, he even couldn’t speak English also he didn’t know the basic information about own self. However, he can learn everything very quickly, and his physical ability is amazing. In this episode1, he decided to leave from the family and he went to his father’s house. His father also has a special ability and Kyle knew that he is not a real father, he just create him as a special human.

    I watched this vide just one time; I understood about 50% of this video, because I couldn’t understand the scientific words.

  23. Summary of notes by Melody

    1, Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean and Italian use titles to address people in authority such as teacher and older people. Japanese and Taiwanese use titles behind the last name.
    2, Most of all Japanese wives change their last name to husband’s last name. It was use to popular in Taiwan too, but not so popular now.
    3, This kind of trouble doesn’t occur so often, but there are some in Japan and Taiwan. Especially in Japan, sometimes their last names reflect their condition in society.
    4, Japanese and Taiwanese change their language. They usually use formal language for older people and strangers; they use informal language for the same age people, younger people, and closer people.

  24. Minori Arahori,

    1.There are 2 patterns to address our teacher in our class. In Korea, Japan and Taiwan, students use titles meaning "teacher" in front of last names. In Italy, students usually call teachers as titles only.

    2.In Korea, Japan and Taiwan, they do not differentiate married and unmarried people. However, in the past in Taiwan, married women had two last names; their original ones and husbands' ones.

    3.In Korea and Taiwan, people don't like so much to marry people who have the same last name traditionally. This is because they think that people with the same last names originally have the same ancestors; that is, they are relatives.

    4.Most of people from other countries in this class think that they talk in a formal way with unfamiliar people. However, once they get familiar, they speak in an informal way.

  25. Yuriko Kubota
    Summary of discussion

    1. In Korea, Taiwan and Japan, people use last name plus title when they address others in authority. In Italy, people use title plus last name, but when they call teacher, they use only title.

    2. In Japan, there are no exact rules, but usually women change their last name into their husbands’ last names after marriage. In Taiwan, women had to put their husbands’ last names in front of their own last name after marriage in the past. But now, the rule disappeared and usually women don’t change their last name.

    3. In Taiwan, there is almost no problem. But sometimes in Japan, people refuse to marry someone because the last name might show their social standing.

    4. In Taiwan and Japan, both change their language more casual as they begin to loosen up with one another.

  26. Satoru Hano

    I watched the internet site “STAR SHIP” which tells us about flash card. I learned about the advantage and disadvantage of it. It is used for remembering the words.

    Showing the right side and wrong side of the cards high-speed can activate the power of brain. That is the advantage.

    However, there are some problems we have to know. When educating children in that way, teachers should turn over the cards within a second, and should say the name of the thing on the cards at the same time. They need such a high skill and it is very troublesome to continue doing that. That is the disadvantage. If they mistakenly teach wrong name of a thing showing a different picture, the children understand in wrong way, so flash card is not useful.

  27. Listening log by Satoru Hano

    I watched the preface of “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” without subtitles on youtube.

    An incident happened in the underground of Raccoon city where there was the enormous laboratory of Umbrella Corporation. Umbrella created T-virus. If infected, mutations happen to bodies of human and animals. The virus escaped from there and infection spread out whole Raccoon city. The city is filled with zombies. Being bitten one time by those, people can’t be alive and become zombies. In that situation, Timothy Cain, Umbrella supervisor thought that the incident was good opportunity to do the experiment they created. “Project Alice” and “Nemesis program” were activated by him. After surviving The Hive (Story of RE1), Alice Abernathy was experimented by Umbrella, she got super-power, such as speed and ability. Nemesis is an enormous humanoid monster with horrifying-looking face and body which has stronger super-power than Alice has. Their fight is held at the hell-like town, Raccoon city. Alice met S.T.A.R.S (Raccoon police special team) members, Jill and Peyton and mercenaries, Carlos and Nicholai. Alice cooperates with them to escape from the city.

  28. Summary of notes P.18 by Kohei Nojiri

    (1)There are a lot of titles to people in authority by country, especially we talk about teacher. In Italy and Korea address the title: “prof” and “Son-sen-nyu”, while Japan and Taiwan we call teacher “last name + titles”

    (2)There is nothing title between married and unmarried in Japan and Taiwan, like ”Mrs.” ,”Miss” in US. But in Japan we change my family name when we get married. While in Taiwan don’t.

    (3)In Japan people don’t refuse to marry someone because of his or her name. But in Taiwan and Korea, people refuse to marry because of name.

    (4)We meet somebody first, we tend to be formal, but when we became a friendly, we talk casually. I think this is same in most of the world!

  29. Listening log by Kohei Nojiri.
    I watched"Al Gore: Averting the climate crisis".
    And the summary of this movie is below.

    Al Gore said we are facing serious climate crisis.
    For example he showed comparison of historical average in US with January 2006 in US, so historical average is 31degree and in 2006 39.5 degrees. And he said US emissions are increasing. He suggested 15 ways what we can do in dairy life to prevent from it. For example reduce emissions from our home, become a catalyst of change and so on. He claimed that climate crisis is not political issue but our issue.
    He ended “we are one”

    I watched this movie twice.It takes about 15 minutes. I think global warming is serious, so we can do something to prevent from it.
    I can understand by 65%

  30. Summary of P.18

    1.In Taiwan and Japan, they use last name + title. In Italy, they
    only use title.In Korea, they use title + last name.
    2.In Taiwan, there is no difference between married and unmarried
    names. In Japan, women usually replace there last names with
    their husbands' last names.
    3.In Taiwan, people seldom got married with people who had the
    same last name with themselves in the past. The reason is that
    they can avoid getting married with someone who has blood
    relationship with each other.
    4.In Japan and Taiwan, their languages change as they begin to
    loosen up with one another(ex. using nicknames). At the first
    meet, no matter who they meet, they're sure to be polite.

  31. Listening log of Shuhei Takahashi (#3)

    I watched TED talk "Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man" twice for about 40 minutes.

    Rory Shtherland, the advertising director, argues that intangible values, sometimes made by advertising, is far better than we think.
    He thinks that to solve the problems of reality may be more difficult and wasteful, on the other hand to solve the problems of perception may be easier and more efficient. This is because all values are relative and they depend on how people perceive.

    I watched this twice and used facial cues for understanding.
    I could understand about 60%. His speech was very fast and sometimes I couldn't make sense his joke, but this is very interesting talk I think.

  32. pg.18 Summary (by Shuhei Takahashi)

    1. In Korea, Taiwan and Japan, people use titles behind last names when they are addressing to people in authority. In Italy people use titles in front of last names or only titles.

    2. In Taiwan and Korea, people don't differentiate between married and unmarried names. But in the past, married women have to add their husband's names to their names.
    In Japan, married women usually replace their last names with their husband's name.

    3. In Taiwan and Korea, people may refuse to get married if they have the same last name.
    In Japan, people don't refuse usually, but sometimes do so because last names often reflect their social positions.

    4. As they begin to loosen up, their language gets more informal in Taiwan and Japan.

  33. Listening log#3 of Joanne

    I listened "Margaret Heffernan: Dare to disagree" on Ted Talks. I had listened for 35 minutes.

    The story is about a different woman whose name was Alice. She was different because she was a female doctor in 1950s, and she researched childhood cancers. She dared to do things that nobody cared at that time. She had a partner named George and his job was to disagree with Alice's theory. The only way to prove she was right was to find nothing was wrong. They enjoyed their relationship.They were not afraid of arguments and conflicts. They dare to change their thoughts. We need to contact with somebody who has different backgrounds, cultures, and personalities. That's how can we success in the future.

    This time I listened for two times and I took lots of notes because there're too much information to remember after ten minutes. I can understood about 75%.

  34. Listening log#3 of Hanako Honcho

    I watched a short making video of the movie “Fast and Furious”. This is a kind of short description about that movie.
    It’s about 30 minutes in total.
    The man who is the main character of this movie took roll by Paul Walker. He loves car action or something like that, even in his private time. That’s why he really wanted to be like Brian.
    Through these document video, we can see that how the actor or actress learn about own character, and how to make their act. When we would like to know about making movie, it’s very useful.
    I felt that native speaker’s speaking speed is so fast. Because of this, I only could understand 60% of this short video. This movie has been continuing for many years, and it will be last more and more years. I’m really looking forward to see them.

  35. Summary of Real Talk pg18 by Hanako Honcho

    1, Korean title with the last name to show their feelings that respect to other person. On the other hand Japanese and Italian use the same way. But Taiwanese use last name before the title.

    2. Both of Japanese and Taiwanese changes their female’s last name in the past. However, now we don’t care about that.

    3. Family name sometimes means traditional social standings, so it could be an important thing.

    4. Only Japanese use special style of the word when they talk to person in authority.
