
For September 12th:

1) Post listening log on home page. Last one.
2) Make a very short blabberize video saying: One thing you've learned from our LSP class and a good-bye to your classmates.
3) Do pre-listening exercises on pages 44-45.
4) If you are doing the makeup quiz, remember to email it to me by Tuesday evening.

For September 10th:
1) Post  listening log on home page. Just one more after this!
2) Do exercises on pages 38-39.
3) Go to http://blabberize.com/ and listen to video. Write down a summary of what they are saying to share with classmates tomorrow.
4) Watch this video:  http://blabberize.com/view?id=819810  what do you think? Can you do this?

Have fun!

For September 5th:

1) post listening log on the home page, plus the fun things you did over Labor Day weekend.
2) prepare for the quiz
3) that's it!

For August 29th:

1) Post listening log on the home page of this blog.
2) Do the exercise A on pages 34-35.
3) Write answers to questions 1-8 on page 37, exercise C

For August 27th:

1) post listening log entry on the home page.
2) Listen to "United Breaks Guitars" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo.  Write a summary of what happened to share on Monday.
3) Read the Focus on Sound - Linking - and then try saying exercises numbers 4 and 5 on page 31 the way you think they should be pronounced. We will practice them in class on Monday.
4) Read conversation tools- Expressing Annoyance- on page 32. Write one sentence for each of the five examples, using patterns one or two. We will share them on Monday as well.

For August 22nd:
 1) Post one listening log entry on the home page of this blog as a comment using the listening log format.
2) Post your notes on page 18 questions in the same place.
3 Answer the questions on page 28 in book.
4) Do the vocabulary preview on page 29.
5) Make flashcards for words on page 29.
6) Answer the questions on page 33, part C: VocabularyReview: Discussion. 

1) For August 20th
1) Post one listening log entry on the home page of this blog as a comment using the listening log format.
2) Write answers to the questions on page 18, C: Real Talk: Use What You've Learned. You will discuss your answers with a partner in class.
3) Prepare both parts in one of the role plays on pages 18-20. You can select which role play. You will perform the role play with a partner in class, but not in front of the whole class.
4) Make flash cards for the vocabulary words in the gray boxes on pages 7 and 18. If you already did the words on page 7, just do page 18.
5) Review pages 3,4,6, 7, 14 (transcript is on page 221-222), 15, 16, 17 and 18 for the quiz.

Remember, three more people will do their speeches on Monday!

See you then!

For August 15th, 2012

1) Select one of the LSP links and write a 1-2 minute speech on it, following our class format. Remember to practice the speech outloud.

2) Post one listening log entry on the home page of this blog. Use the format on the listening log page.

3) Make flashcards, electronic or hardcopy, for the vocabulary you've learned in our chapter so far.

1 comment:

  1. Listening blog of Sara Delfrate.

    I watched a documentary this afternoon about the Grand Canyon because I was travelling to this National Park. I listened this dvd twice for about 20 minutes.

    This documentary speaks about the geology and geoghaphy of the Gran Canyon, especially it describes this wonderful place like a huge fissure in the Colorado Plateau.The Grand Canyon is famous for its colorful landscape and, for thousands of years, it has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves.

    I think I understand about 60% because the speaker has told this description very fast.

    When I listened this documentary, I have tried to find the main idea, but also many details, which were interesting.
