Monday, September 10, 2012

Last LSP Class!

This is our last class!

I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you.

I want you to know that our class blog will always be here for you. If you write a comment, I will answer! Let us know how you are doing.

Your homework is on your homework page.

Remember to post your blabberize video and last listening log here.

All the best

Ms. Gross


  1. istening Log #8 Wakana Noguchi

    I watched the movie titled “What is Romney’s health care plan?” for about 20 minutes on CNN news.

    In this movie, a woman and a man is discussing about how Romney will change the health care in America if he is elected to a president. He is planning to repeal some part of the Obama health care. Obama said that we should keep kids to allow young adult to be reach 26 to stay on their parent’s insurance. On the other hand, Romney says that he will not do that.

    I listened to this movie five times. It was difficult for me to understand because there were a lot of words I don’t know. I think I could understand 60 percent.

  2. Listening log #8 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched TED Talks which title is "Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling" for about 20 minutes.

    The speaker studied about people who succeeded their life, and he found most of them smiled a lot. In addition, they live longer than other person who does not smile so much. Smile does not only express joy and satisfaction but also make people healthier; for example, if people smile many times, they can reduce their stress and blood pressure. Therefore, smile has the power to make longer, healthier, and happier life.

    I watched this video three times, and find the key words from the focus stress. I think I could understand 75% of this video because the speaker was neither British nor American, so sometimes his speech was difficult to listen.

    Blabberize video of Yuko Yagishita:

  3. listening log of Nodoka Yamagoshi

    I watched Caroly Porco: This is Saturn at TED. It is about 18 minutes long.

    This video is about Saturn. The probe Cassini succeeded to land on Taitan, which is a moon of Saturn and to take pictures of its surface. The image of Taitan before the probe landed was cold, raining and misty place. However, it was found that Taitan has sandhills, lakes and so on and that it has similar geographical features to the earth. Carolly says this discovery is what human could never reach before.

    I watched this movie twice because there are many technical terms I didn't know. the topic is specific, so it was hard to understand. I could understand 70%.

  4. Listening log #8 by Atsushi Kawai

    I watched NBC nightly news in internet for 20 minutes.

    Main news is about strike by teacher in Chicago. This strike is caused by improvement of institution of education by a mayor. 10000 people participated in this demonstration and they wore a red T-shirt. Second news was about the election of the president. Speeches by Obama and Romney in a forum by the ex-president Clinton were decided. Third news is about the refugee camp of Syrian. 30000 people livse in there and they are enduring a hard life.

    I watched this video to check key words.
    I can understand 70% of this video.

    blabberize video

  5. Listening log of Yuriko Kubota

    I watched the movie which is Amy Purdy: Living beyond limits, by TED talks. I watched it for about 20 minutes.

    She talked about her life. She liked snowboarding, but when she was 19, she lost her kidney, hearing her left ear, and her both legs because of bacterial meningitis. However, she believed in the possibility. In your mind you can do anything and you can be anything. If you can do so, you can live beyond limits. Now she has become a world champion female adaptive snowboarder.

    I tried to catch the most of content, and I can understand 80%. I think it is because the speed is not so fast and her speech is interesting.

  6. Blabberize video of Wakana Noguchi


    Minori Arahori
    Blabberize video

  8. Listening log of Sara Delfrate

    I watched the episode "the art of making art" of the tv series "disperate housewife" for about 30 minutes.

    Susan tries to do her best to when her art teacher, Andre Zeller, asks the students to turn up to class in the nude to help them create from a point of honesty. Bree serves some soup for the homeless at the local shelter.Gaby finds herself without a staff to help set up a school event when her approach to her new job as president of the PBA insults the parent volunteers.

    I watched this video once and I understand 80% because they speak very fast, and use particular idioms.
    I tried to understand the main idea and also some details.

  9. Listening log, Minori Arahori

    I watched "Lost cat found after four years" on CNN video. It took about 20 hours to understand completely.

    In this news, the reporter is explaining a cat which has gone to somewhere for four years. According to an owner, she was heartbroken, and looked for her over a night when her cat was missing. After four years, she was found; that is, she was scanned, and she fitted the information of the missing cat. The owner smiled, and said that she hoped her cat had a wonderful time.

    I could understand this video almost 80%. Sometimes I faced some sentences I couldn't understand, though. I challenged to understand it completely.


    Sara Delfrate
    blabberize video

  11. Listening log of LIU HAN YUAN

    I watched TED TALK and the video title is "Kent Larson: Brilliant designs to fit more people in every city".

    Kent Larson claim that we can use the new technology to solve the problem that lots of people live in a city.In the video, Kent Larson shows off folding cars, quick-change apartments and other innovations. I think it is really interesting about this new technologies. But, we should think about effect of this method.If this method is effective, it really can solve lots of problem.

    I watched this video two times about 30 minutes. There are lots of
    new technologies. I think this topic is really interesting to me. I can understand the video about 70% at the first time.

  12. listening log#2 of Nodoka Yamagoshi

    I watched Scott Fraser: Why eyewitness get it wrong at TED. it's 18minutes long.

    On January 18th 1991, a father was killed with gun. The police found out the suspect, who is a 17 year-old kid.When the investigator showed one of witnesses his photo, he said" this is the killer I saw." He was sentenced life imprisonment, yet he had insisted innocent for 21 years. In the trial, Mr. Fraser asked the judge to see where the shooting had occurred and to be present t investigation of the actual spot together. Then, it was found that it was impossible to recognize the suspect's face who was in car from the street even 3 or 4 feet away because it was too dark. Now he is freed.

    I could understand 90% with once listening because the speaker spoke slowly.

  13. Listening log from last week by Hanako.H

    This time, I watched first 30 minutes of the movie "UP" from PIXAR entertainment.

    First of the movie,there were two people, old couple in the house. They were smiling. It was in the past. They don't have children but have happy life. However, the woman has died. Hasband was very sad, but then, he started to trying to protect their memorial house against to construction of the city.
    This movie's time axis is move. We can see both their old life and husband's present life.
    I still don't know about the story after that. I thought that this story will make me sad, but in the end, story will be happy. Because this kind of story for children always have happy ending. "happily ever after"...

    This movie is easy to understand because it made especially for children. I'm not a native English speaker, so it's good for us to learn easy English.
    That's why, I could understand 90% of the movie.

  14. Listenong log of Bo-Han

    I watched TED Talk: Charles Fleischer insists: All things are Moleeds for 19 minutes.

    The speaker uses very humorous way to introduce Geometry, math, and Astronomy. He combines them into "Moleeds theory." Besides, he also introduce some famous scholars by stamps because he doesn't have to pay the right fare by using stamps.

    I listened this video with subtitles because there are so many technical words that I can't fully understand. As a result, I can only understand 70% of the speech.


  15. Listening log of Melody

    I watched TED TALK: I listen to color which is spoken by Neil Harbisson. It was about 20min.

    First, I thought he is a really strange guy, because he was wearing vivid yellow pants, vivid blue shirt and vivid pink jacket. However after finished to watch his speech, I could understand why he likes to wear those kind of closes.

    He was born completely color blind, so he couldn’t distinguish colors. From his experiences, he comes up the technology to listen colors. The sensor of this technology catches the color, and change the color to the sound, which means red has the sounds of red and blue has the sounds of blue. Therefore he can enjoy meals with food music played by the meal also he can enjoy music with the song’s color.

    He says that “Life will be much exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body.”

    I understood about 90% of this video. His speaking was quite clear to listen, also the detail was easy to understand.

  16. Listening log by Ting Chiang Hsu

    I watched TED TALK and the video title is "Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix"

    This lecture is about a man called Bob Dylan who is good at writing songs.He has been famous since 1964;however,someone think hen stole others' music.In speaker's opinion, it is a kind of remix which is different from plagiarism.Remix make audience know more about the music.Speaker also take iPhone as san example shows that remix also can be creative.

    I watched this video two times about 25 minutes.
    I can understand the video about 70% at the first time.

  17. The last listening Log by Kohei Nojiri
    I listened “Shyam Sankar: The rise of human-computer cooperation” on TED talk.

    He gave us examples of chess: in 2005 of freestyle chess tournament, not a grandmaster with a supercomputer but two American amateurs won.
    He emphasized the cooperation with human and computer.
    In the other hands, we can’t solve the world’s problems without cooperation with computer and human. But there are a lot of friction between man and computer. So he said the better the process, the less the friction, and minimizing friction turns out to be the decisive variable.
    By implementing a superior process, what was otherwise a task for 40 people over three months became a simple job for three people in 40 hours.
    He concluded that we should be excited about tackling this century’s hardest problems, men and machine in cooperation together.

    I listened this movie twice, and I really agree this statement. And I understand this movie about 75%.

  18. Listening log 2nd of this week by Hanako.H

    Last time, I completely forgot to post the listening log. Therefore, this log become second post in this week. However, please read it.

    I watched an documentary video of Madonna. It's about 20 minutes in total, because I watched two part, part1 and part2 separately on Youtube.

    Actually I'm not interested in her before, but I became a little intereted in Madonna after see that.

    Madonna is very popular in the world now. She is from America. She called "Material girl" that nicknamed by her famous song's title. (It's also famous in Japan and some artists covered that song)
    She is 54 years old, so she has a lot of songs loved by people all over the world.

    In this video, we can listen her musics with Madonna's interview.

    She is high motivated artist and always trying to be a role model of nice woman. A lot of girls or women look up to her and think to be like her.

    For long time, and still now, she doesn't stop working. Also, Madonna entertain or fascinate many people.

    However, please don't forget that she has her life as an underling. Madonna is one of the most popular singer in the world, but sometimes a ordinary woman. It means everyone have possibility to be like her if they have hope.

    I could understand 80% of the video. Of course, she speaks so fast, for me. It was difficult to understand each word clearly.

    Additionaly, I found that I like this kind of, documentary video. Artists usually explain specifically about themselves, but in case of documentary radio or TV program or something, we could know about themselves deeply. That's why, If I have some opportunity to listen those stories about famous person, I try to know the artist even though I'm not interested in.

  19. blabberize video of Yuriko Kubota

  20. Listening log of Shuhei Takahashi

    I watched a TED talk "Andrew Stanton: The clues to a great story" twice.

    Andrew Stanton is a film director at Pixar Animation Studios.
    He says that to tell a story is the same as to make a joke, which has only one end.
    Andrew thinks that great stories have mechanism to make people expect something uncertain unconsciously, likable characters and strong themes.
    Furthermore they should be from our experience and values.

    I watched twice and use the transcript.
    I could understand this video about 70% because the speaker speaks so quickly, but it is very interesting to me.

    Blabberize video of Shuhei Takahashi

  21. Listening log of Joanne Hsieh

    I watched” Bloomberg: Our freedom is fragile” on CNN video.

    The news is related to 911. In order to remember the event, there is a museum and memorial hall, and they’re going to accomplish soon. Those buildings took 11 years, a really long time, to build, but they were built safely and economically. The main idea of these two structures is reminding us not to take what we have for granted. Don’t forget our freedom is fragile, and cherish our relatives. If we forget, somebody will come again and take our family members away from us.

    I watched this video for 20 minutes. I took some notes while I was listening. I can understand 90% of it.


    by Hanako
