Sunday, September 9, 2012

Staying With Travel

Hello Travelers!

Hope you are enjoying your warm weekend!

Good News! No quiz this week! However, we will continue with our chapter on travel. Homework is on the homework page.

Remember to post your listening log here.  I look forward to seeing it.

See you tomorrow!

Ms. Gross

PS. Saw this on Wilshire Blvd.


  1. Listening log of Bo-Han

    I watched TED Talk: Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity for about 20 minutes.

    The speaker is talking about nowadays education which is something wrong. Children are originally creative and not afraid of making mistakes. However, education doesn't allow them to do what they want to do. The education just want all children to become professors. It's wrong. Different children have different abilities, so we should put them into right places.

    I can understand 60% of the speech because the speaker is a Britisher, and he spoke very fast. I took notes and use subtitles to help my understanding.

  2. Listening Log #7 Wakana Noguchi

    I watched a speech of Sandra Fluke at CNN news. I watched this video about 25minutes.

    Sandra Fluke is an attorney and women’s rights activist. Republican did not hear women’s opinion even though they discuss the issue that affects women directly. Many women shut out and are silence about that. However, Sandra says that women should speak out in this November. Sandra thinks that woman should have rights to receive exact same health insurance with man and should have access to the cancer screenings.

    I watched this movie about 4 times and take notes of key word. I think I could understand 75 percent. However, there were a lot of unknown words, so it was difficult for me to catch the word.

  3. Listening log #7 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched TED talk which title is "A.J. Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me" for about 25 minutes.

    The speaker tried to follow all rules for 10 years to be the healthiest person. He cared about foods, exercises, etc. As a result, he could lose his cholesterol, but he learned being too healthy is unhealthy. From his challenge, he came to allow sounds for his brain, and he found joy is important for our health; for example, junk food industry is pleasure and we can use its technology for making healthy foods.

    I watched this video three times to find the main ideas and the key words. I think I can understand 80% of this speech, but it was hard for me to understand completely because the speaker used many difficult words.

  4. Listening log #7, Minori Arahori

    I watched "Play with kittens from your computer" on CNN video.

    This video is introducing about the Best Friends Animal Society and its step to increase adoptions of cats. It started an interactive camera in the playroom where cats are there. People(almost forty thousand) can access the camera on Internet, and they can move three types of toys and look around the room. Moreover, it's real time, and they can zoom in and out to cats. As a result, the number of cat adoption doubled.

    I understood this video close to 90%. I like cats, so it's easy for me. I tried to listen to it without looking at it at the first time.

  5. Listening log of Melody

    I watched TED talk: Energy from floating algae pods which is spoken by Jonathan Trent about 30 min.

    He is speaking about the new technology to reuse wastewater and to make clarified water for the seas. This technology is called by OMEGA which is made by algae. He says that it can make clarified water and of course reduce CO2 in the proses for growing algae fueled by the sun and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Also, he acknowledges this technology unlike growing corn for ethanol, so OMEGA doesn’t threaten the world’s food supply.

    I understood it about 60%. I listened carefully, but I couldn’t understand about the complicated clarification system.

  6. Listening log of LIU HAN YUAN

    I watched TED TALK and the video title is "Susan Cain: The power of introverts".

    In the video, Susan Cain claim that people sometimes deny the people who is introverted. But, people may forgot the truth that some of somebodies are the introverted persons. We can't realize a person by his personality. When we deny the existence of introverts, we also deny people's creativity and probability.Therefore, we should accept the existence of any characteristic.

    I watch this video two times about 26 minutes. I can realize the video about 75%.

  7. Listening log #7 by Atsushi Kawai

    I watched “Lessons from death row inmates” by David R Dow.

    This video is about a problem of death penalty and that problem is not controversial point. The statics of capital punishment shows that we need care about child who need help for other adults from collapsed home. He said we have to institute the system for caring such a child in spite of having a lot of cost before murder is happened. If the society equips such a system, they can reduce $80000 for a person. He said the reason why a murder is happened has already been figured out.

    I watched this video twice. I could understand 90%. This video is a little vivid description of the system of death penalty.

  8. Listening log of Sara Delfrate

    I watched an episode of a tv program named "bizarre food" for about 25minutes.

    In this video Andrew Zimmern travels in Japan, Thailand and Malaysia, and eats some particular food of these country. In Japan he eats raw pig's testicles and Frog sashimi. Then he arrives at Bangkok, and he tastes "silver palace", a tradizional bird nest soup. Finally, he goes to Penang, and samples poured tea and fish maw.

    I watched this video once and I could understand 80% because I don't know some specific words about food, but he speaks slowly. I wanted to improve my vocabulary

  9. I listened "Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life" on TED talk.It takes about 20 minutes.

    The summary of this movie is below.
    She questioned that “Game is waste of time?”
    When we die, what will we regret?
    She illustrated top five to regret their life.
    1, I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
    2, I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
    3, I wish I had let myself be happier
    4, I wish I’d had the courage to express my true self.
    5, I wish I’d lived a life true to my dreams.
    She claimed that Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social resilience make us adding 10 years of life. Post traumatic growth make us happier.
    Physically resilience willpower is important for us.
    And Gratitude is important for human relationship.
    So she emphasized game is not waste of time.

    I listened this movie three times.
    I understand this movie 65% because of lack of vocabulary.

  10. Listening log
    Yuriko Kubota

    A movie I watched is that “Alanna Shaikh: How I'm preparing to get Alzheimer's” from TED talks. I watched it for about 20 minutes.

    She talked about what she does to prepare for getting Alzheimer's. This is because her father got Alzheimer's, and this disease is hereditary. She does three things. First one is to change a hobby. She tries to use hand as much as possible to prevent declining of her brain. Second is to exercise a lot. Third is to be a better person. It is because she want to be loved even if she get Alzheimer's. She said nobody knows who get Alzheimer's, so don’t think that “it will not happen to me”, but prepare for it.

    I tried to understand her main idea, and I could understand about 55%. This is because sometimes she speaks very fast.

  11. Listening log of Joanne Hsieh

    I watched “Kirby Ferguson: Embrace the remix” on Ted talks for 20 minutes.

    The video is about a man named Kirby Ferguson claimed that remix is consisted of copy, transform, and combination. He used many examples to prove that remix could cause better things. For instance, combining different kinds of music can create a brand new type of music. Therefore, remix didn’t mean to steal something from others. It is a way to create.

    I watched this video two times, and I could understand 80% of it. I also took notes while I was listening.

  12. Listening log of Shuhei Takahashi

    I watched "Steve Jobs: How to live before you die" on TED.

    The speech consists of 3 stories.
    The first story is about connecting the dots. He says we cannot do this looking forward, so we have to trust that the dots will connect in your future.
    The second story is about love and loss. He thinks we have to keep looking for what we love.
    The third story is about death. He states we must not waste our time, for our time is limited.
    In the end, he concludes by saying "stay hungry, stay foolish."

    I watched three times and use subtitles, and I could understand 70% of this speech.
