Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Great Week!

I've really enjoyed getting to know all of you a little better this week!

We are going to have a quiz on Monday so I can see how you're doing. The review information is on your homework page, along with other assignments for Monday.

Also, a reminder to put your listening log comments to this post.

Next week, by your vote, we are going to continue on to chapter two: Let's Get Away!

See you Monday!

Ms. Gross


  1. I'm so sorry for my today's absent
    I was sick
    and I had to say that before class

    now I'm getting better
    but I can't understand whether I can go class tomorrow or not

    and I'm still working at previous homework

    Hanako Honcho

  2. Listening log #2 Wakana Noguchi

    This time I watched the drama,"Ugly Betty" Season1,Episode1 on the internet.
    It tooks about 40minutes.

    This is a story of a woman who is ugly. Betty startd to work at publish company. However, her boss try to make her quit the job because shi is not beautiful. He treats Betty cluelly.Then, she quit the job. However, the boss realizes that Betty is excellence worker and apologized to her. Finally, she started work at the company again and succeed the project.

    I watched this drama only once. Also,I guess the word from the situation or an action of the people.
    I think I could understand 80percent of this drama.
    However sometimes I could not catch the word.

  3. Listening log of Yuriko Kubota #2

    I watched TED talks, Kathryn Schulz: Don't regret regret, twice about 30 minutes.

    If you have goals, dreams or will to do your best, you should feel pain though regretting. If you regret, it means you made a decision and imagined the situation that if you made other choice, the situation would be better. By experiencing it many times you came to make a better choice. Regret tells you that you can do better. The important thing is not to live without any regret, but not to hate yourself who regret what you did.

    I could understand about 70%. Some parts are difficult because of the speed.

  4. Listening log #2 Atsushi Kawai

    I watched NBC nightly news in internet. This video takes about 20 minutes.

    The main point of this news is natural disaster. Drought spreads 65% of US. Drought brings dry fire, then it affects animal. Drought causes the water level drop in river. Circulation through the river piles up by drought. Next news is about application to occupation become difficult. So the president tries to dull immigration. The rest of news broadcasts news of the election, children’s stress and African elephant.

    I listened more than once then, I found for key words. I could understand 75% of this news. However I couldn’t understand absolutely in numbers.

  5. Listening Log #2 Yuko Yagishita

    I watched TED talks "Tavi Gevinson: A teen just trying to figure it out" for about 22 minutes.

    Tavi Gevinson is a feminist and thinks about making a strong female character. If a woman cares about her weakness and flaw, she has this character. Gevinson tried to figure out how to grow up as a girl, but she was confused. She found feminism is not a rule book. Women do not have the answer to make a female character because they are trying to figure out. Therefore, Gevinson wants girls to be a woman who does not care about her weakness and flaw.

    I listened more than once and also listened for information for meanings. I could understand about 70% because I could not understand the meaning of some vocabulary.

  6. Listening log of Nodoka

    I watched “Rojash Rao: A Rosetta Stone For Indus Script” at TED.

    Rojash Rao, who is a computational neuroscientist, got interested in the Indus script because it’s the last major undeciphered script in the ancient world. He’s tried to decipher it by using computer to learn patterns of the script. There’re 2 hypotheses about it. Hypothesis 1 is that the script doesn’t encode language but just symbols like traffic signs. Hypothesis 2 is that the script encodes an Indo-European language and is an ancient form of a language which is spoken in South India today. Rojash believes the latter. The next challenge for him is finding out how we read the script.

    As a whole, I watched this video twice and play repeatedly the part I couldn’t get for detail listening. In the first watching, I could understand 60%.
    The biggest challenge was keeping up with the speed of his speech.

  7. Listening log #2 of Melody

    I watched 9 iTunes Movies Trailers which are totally about 20 min.

    I watched “One Day”, “The baby makers”, “The Campaign”, “The good doctor”, “Back Wards”, “The Paperboy”, “17girls”, “Won’t back down” and “Nobody Walks”. I’m interested in “Nobody Walks”, because this story is located in Los Angeles; the main character Martin is a 23 years old artist from New York. She came to Los Angeles and she is to live Peter’s family’ house to complete sound design on her art film. The father Peter helps her as a favor to his wife. Martine enters the seemingly idyllic life of this open-minded family with two kids and relaxed in California, but something is happened. This is emotional and profound movie; it will touch deep inside of your mind which everyone has.

    I could understand 65% of these movie trailers. Some pars are too fast to understand the meanings.

  8. Listening log #2 of Wei Chieh Hung (Daniel)

    I watched "Brian Skerry reveals ocean's glory -- and horror " at TED. It took about 20 minutes.

    This story told us some stories about the ocean. Brian is an underwater photographer and a photojournalist and he have seen underwater wildlife. He have explored the ocean for thirty years.I could find a lot of interesting pictures in this movie. He have said that "I became an underwater photographer because I fell in love with the sea, and I make pictures of it today because I want to protect it.". I agree what he have said!

    I watched this movie two times. I think that I can understand about 70%. However I also need to improve my listening.

  9. Listening blog of Sara Delfrate.

    I watched a documentary this afternoon about the Grand Canyon because I was travelling to this National Park. I listened this dvd twice for about 20 minutes.

    This documentary speaks about the geology and geoghaphy of the Gran Canyon, especially it describes this wonderful place like a huge fissure in the Colorado Plateau.The Grand Canyon is famous for its colorful landscape and, for thousands of years, it has been continuously inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves.

    I think I understand about 60% because the speaker has told this description very fast.

    When I listened this documentary, I have tried to find the main idea, but also many details which were interesting.

  10. listening log 2 of Bo-Han, Huang

    I watched TED talk: Seth Godin: This is broken. It's about 20 minutes.

    The speaker was talking about broken things. He used a lot of picture to explain that some things are wrong. For example, a sign showed that "the sign edge is very sharp! Be careful!" Then why they put this sign here? As a result, this is broken. Actually, the speech was very funny because the speaker shared many interesting pictures to us.

    I may understand 70% in this speech. However, I can't understand the "laughing point."

    In this speech, I listened key words and took the notes to understand what the speaker said.

  11. Arahori Minori, listening log 2

    I watched "Exploring the mind of a killer" by Jim Fallon on TED Talks.
    It took 30 minutes for me.

    Jim Fallon explains about why specific psychopathic killers are born. He has looked for the answer by using brain-scan techniques to murders' brain and he concludes that they all have brain damage in common and also have basically one gene; MAOA. MAOA works to make babies having MAOA bathe in serotonin which gets people to get relieved and relaxed, so people with MAOA gene lose effect of serotonin because they are used to it when they are babies. Moreover, it comes from their mothers on X gene. As a result, murders, almost men, are very aggressive by these factors.

    I understood 60% at first watching. The speaker spoke very fast, but it's a little easy to listen to because I could see his presentation(figure and table).

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Listening log #2 of Shuhei Takahashi.

    I watched a TED talk "Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users" twice for about 30 minutes.

    Evan Williams, the co-founder of Twitter, made Twitter in his spare time at first.
    He assumed that it was used to share moments of their life whenever they want and deepen their friendships.
    However, the Twitter began to be used in warning affairs, business and politics.
    He was surprised and changed this service following the way users are using.

    I listened more than once and search. I could understand 70 percent, but It was hard for me to catch up with the speed.

  14. Listening log#2 of Hanako Honcho

    I watched a TV program that kind of travel channel in English. The title is "Dream Destinations, French Polynesia". It's about 22 minutes.
    This program presents many feature of the group of islands. French Polynesia has beautiful sea, nature, and traditional ethnic culture such as festival, dance, song and so on. It's in the south part of pacific. They are some island, but the most popular one is island named "Bora Bora" because we can see barrier reef there. In addition, we can also enjoy swimming in this wonderful sea. This place is famous for its nice landscape. Especially, it's popular for couples.

    I felt that speaking speed was a little fast for me, so I couldn’t understand meanings of some words at first. Then, I tried to listening for two or three times.
    I could understand 75% of this program. I became interested in travel, and I enjoyed listening. I want to visit there someday. 

  15. listening log 2 of Liu Han Yuan

    I watched a TED talk which title is "Max Little: A test for Parkinson’s with a phone call" for about 20 minutes.

    Lots of people are affected by Parkinson’s disease.Max Little was talking and testing about a tool which has 99% accuracy to detect the Parkinson’s disease.The test can be complete in 30 seconds.
    It must be benefit to human.

    I watched this video for three times.At first,I can't realize some of words.I lost a few parts of the video.But I can realize the almost video at the second time.I could understand about 65% at the first time.

  16. listening log 2 of Ting Chiang Hsu
    I watched a TED talk which title is "Timothy Prestero: Design for people, not awards" for about 20 minutes.

    It is about the Timothy Prestero group that designed a thermal equipment which was used for helping undeveloped countries' baby.Although the plan fail ,they start a new research which is about Jaundice.
    they conclude the reasons they failed is because they do not teach people how to use it and the appearance doesn't look good

    I watch the video two time.Some of the joke I can't understand on the first time.However I get it at the second time.

  17. Listening log 2 of Joanne Hsieh

    I watched "Good & bad news on youth smoking" on CNN for a few times. The speaker talked very fast, like having a conversation with people rather than giving a speech so that I have to listen to it many times. At first, I could hardly understand the speaker, but I could understand about 80% for the second time.

    The news was about smoking among young people. The bad news is many teenagers are using not only tobacco but cigar, and their parents didn't know. Fortunately, the rate of smoking among teenagers is decreasing comparing with 2000.

  18. Listening log 2 by Kohei Nojiri

    I watched "Irwin Redlener on surviving a nuclear attack"on TED talks.It takes about 25 minutes.

    A superpowers arms race (1949-1991) ended by the dissolution of Soviet Union. It seemed that the possibility of nuclear war became low.
    However threat of single event nuclear terrorism (1991-?) is the idea of a single event act of nuclear terrorism. Many terrorist may make nuclear bomb because they can get all material and how to build it. There were many things how to do if nuclear war was happened. For example Firstly Duck and cover is how to do if we involved in nuclear-war if very close. Secondly go down in their basements and build a fallout shelter. Thirdly move downwind or crosswind for 1.2 miles and so on.
    He emphasized the different between knowing information of what we’re going to do personally, and not knowing information, can same our life.

    I watched this movie three times, and I think I understood in 65%.
